Undergraduate Research in Chemistry

动手实验研究是皇冠体育学院化学专业的重要组成部分. Students have the opportunity to use modern instrumentation, 计算机设备和复杂的软件在教室和独立的研究项目早在第一年. Below are some recent summer research projects conducted by chemistry students.

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Hydrophobicity and Drug Delivery: A QSAR Approach

Jacob Al-Husseini ’22; Advisor: Malkiat Johal​

In this work, 采用双偏振干涉法(DPI)和耗散监测石英晶体微重法(QCM-D)研究了12种常用药物在模型牛血清白蛋白(BSA)膜上的结合特性和构效关系. 利用DPI和QCM-D不同的水化敏感性,我们能够量化药物与牛血清白蛋白结合时溶剂状态的变化. 定量结合袋内和药物-蛋白结合时水质量的变化,可以更全面地了解药物分子与血清蛋白之间的结合现象. For the drugs tested, 采用定量构效关系(QSAR)建立了药物结合(KD)与疏水性(ClogP)之间的关系。, 后者与药物在结合时解离BSA的能力有关. In summary, QSAR分析表明,随着药物疏水性的增加,结合强度和因结合而损失的水分均增加. 这并不奇怪,更多的疏水药物导致更多的水从BSA损失, but the corresponding increase in binding strength is noteworthy. 这项研究强调了疏水性对药物结合动力学的重要性,并可用于进一步理解和改进药物设计和给药方案.


Emily Rainge ’22; Advisor: Charles Taylor

Caenorhabditis elegans (C. 秀丽隐杆线虫是一种栖息在细菌丰富的环境中的蠕虫,比如腐烂的水果和植物. 它们利用自己的嗅觉来选择它们可以食用的细菌种类而不会屈服于疾病(Shtonda和Avery, 2006)。. The goal of this project is to investigate what blends of chemical cues C.elegans olfactory systems use to distinguish among different bacteria. To accomplish this, 采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对两株E. coli: OP50 and HB101 (a food source that is more nutritious to C.elegans than OP50). Our preliminary results show that the volatile chemicals emitted from OP50 and HB101 differ; OP50 headspace contained dimethyl disulfide, while HB101 headspace contained 1-Butanol and 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol. Both OP50 and HB101 emitted isobutyric acid,2-(hydroxymethyl)-1-propylbutyl ester and butyl butanoate into their headspaces. Now, 我们想测试蠕虫是否可以通过细菌选择试验来区分OP50和HB101的气味.


Chanha Kim ’22; Advisor: Jane Liu

Riboswitches are sequences in messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that can regulate expression, either positively or negatively, by binding small molecules, and they have numerous applications, such as synthetic biology, biosensor development and virus control. 我们旨在描述先前在实验室中设计的新型茶碱结合核糖开关的调节功能. Specifically, 我们研究了核糖开关3-5是否在转录或翻译水平上调控表达. 我们使用体外蛋白质合成和western blotting来确定核糖体开关3-5如何调节蛋白质合成以响应茶碱. 我们还进行了northern blot分析,以探测核糖开关3-5是否通过转录调节对茶碱的表达. Western blot分析表明,核糖体开关3-5在对茶碱的反应中调节蛋白质合成, and northern blot analysis suggests this to be, at least in part, occurring at the level of transcription or mRNA stability. Both analyses, however, 建议进一步优化这些实验或过渡到其他体外方法是必要的,以更准确地确定核糖体开关3-5如何调节对茶碱的表达. 这样做将有助于更好地理解新型核糖开关的功能,并可能有助于未来研究人员创新核糖开关的应用.

Chemical Analysis of Traditional Vietnamese Medicinal Herbs

Rachel Hall ’22; Advisor: Chemical Analysis of Traditional Vietnamese Medicinal Herbs

上世纪90年代,为了满足消费者对熊胆和含有熊胆的传统药物的需求,越南开始了熊胆养殖(BBF). Although BBF was outlawed in Vietnam in 2005, 熊的主人在证明不会从熊身上取胆汁后,被允许保留他们的熊. 在熊胆汁中发现的已知具有药用价值的化合物(熊去氧胆酸)现在可以在市场上买到. 这项工作的重点是化学分析草药用于制备传统药物,有相同的用途熊胆汁.

我们的目的是确定从这些草药中提取的化合物是否用于治疗类似的疾病. 我们的方法是1)确定从这些草药中提取哪些化合物,2)确定这些化合物中哪些可能具有特定的药用特性. 采用气相色谱法和液相色谱法分别测定了这些药材的挥发性和非挥发性化学成分. 然后,我们能够使用SciFinder和PubChem等数据库收集与每种化合物的药用特性相关的更多信息. 我们想研究的另一个方面是哪些化合物可以在多种草药中找到. We have identified six compounds that were common to three or more of the herbs, all with known medicinal properties.